I have successfully created my website with Gridsome, and I'm really happy with it. I chose Gridsome because I wanted a stable solution where I can get all the features and it should be flexible enough to fill up my needs. I wanted to integrate it with Vue. There were other options like Nuxt.js and Vuepress and some other non-Vue options like 11ty and Hugo but Gridsome was looking promising to me, So I gave it a try and this is my final experience.
Gridsome Docs are Boring
This is just my personal opinion, I didn't like the docs. It will not help you while creating a real-world example. please contribute to the docs to improve it if you can.
The best way to use Gridsome.
This is my personal opinion. if you're looking to make a simple blog with markdown and you do care about custom design, don't use any starter because you'll get scared of lots of unfamiliar things. just use a simple boilerplate with no-design. It will take you a lot much time to modify things than setup from scratch.
- First Create your whole blog project in Vue with all the design and things setup.
- later it will just take you 15-20 minutes to integrate gridsome, follow the tutorial below.
Let's begin here...
Install Gridsome first
First install the latest version of gridsome cli and wait for it to install correctly.
NPM: npm install --global @gridsome/cli
Yarn: yarn global add @gridsome/cli
Generate a new project
first make sure you've installed gridsome and then generate a new project by running this:
gridsome create my-website
It will then create a new folder with the gridsome installed. what it exactly do is clone the repository and then delete the .git and .gitignore for you and run a npm install.
Some problems usually happens in this step:
Sometimes you've to install npm install yourself by going into the folder.
This can throw some errors like libpng-dev
and some python
, so you just have to install the windows build tools.
npm install --global --production windows-build-tools
Setup all the configurations
- first open the
folder, and then import your css files and other dependencies as you do inmain.js
. if you use sass/scss then you've to run this command first\npm install -D sass-loader node-sass
- if you want to insert some links and meta tags or script files then you can override the default html file like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ${htmlAttrs}>
<link rel="author"href="https://twitter.com/justaashir"/>
<meta name="viewport"content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<link rel="stylesheet"href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajaxlibsfont-awesome/5.11.2/css/all.min.css">
<body ${bodyAttrs}>
<script src="hello.js"></script>
Before moving forward you must install two plugins for gridsome, one is for converting markdown to html and other is the file-system.
npm install @gridsome/transformer-remark
npm install @gridsome/soruce-filesystem
- In the root folder there is a file named
it's the most important file in the gridsome, here you'll be controlling everything in your app. open the file and the copy this code.
module.exports = {
siteName: "Justaashir - Aashir Aamir Khan Official Portfolio & Blog",
"Aashir Aamir Khan, Front End Web Developer & Writer. Designing perfect UI solutions with VueJS.",
siteUrl: "https://www.justaashir.com",
plugins: [
use: "@gridsome/source-filesystem",
options: {
path: "posts/**/*.md",
typeName: "Post",
remark: {},
refs: {
tags: {
typeName: "tag",
create: true
// This depends on the templates folder and set the url
templates: {
Post: ":title",
tag: "/tag/:id"
// Adds markdown support to all file-system sources
transformers: {
remark: {
externalLinksTarget: "_blank",
externalLinksRel: ["nofollow", "noopener", "noreferrer"],
anchorClassName: "icon icon-link",
plugins: ["@gridsome/remark-prismjs"]
That's all for the first part , you have to wait a little for the second part where I'll explain how to setup the templates and query the post with front-matter.
In 3rd part we'll finalize the website and deploy it on Netlify and setup a netlify form.
In 4th part we'll setup Netlify CMS for it.
See you!